Vieša paskaita „Sanskrit: Voyages and Links, Texts and Traditions“

Pradžia: 2024-09-25 15:00
Pabaiga: 2024-09-25 16:30

VP Shashibala 202409232024 m. rugsėjo 25 d. 15.00 val. Vilniaus universiteto Azijos ir transkultūrinių studijų instituto A. Binderio auditorijoje viešą paskaitą „Sanskrit: Voyages and Links, Texts and Traditions“ skaitys prof. dr. Shashibala iš Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (Indija).

Apie paskaitą

Sanskrit is one of the oldest languages of the world. Mapping of its presence can be done through available archaeological remains, inscriptions and manuscripts, texts and linguistic evidences, cultural lives of the people of Asian countries, translation, creation and transcreation of literary works, traditions, spiritual practices, imperial ceremonies and rituals, arts, enrichment of languages, scripts developed on the basis of Indian styles, visual representation of philosophical text and much more.

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