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Svarbiausios mokslinės publikacijos (nuo 2016)
Dranseika V. (2022). Memory as evidence of personal identity. A study on reincarnation beliefs. In: K. Tobia (ed.) Experimental Philosophy of Identity and the Self. Bloomsbury: 127–142.
Berniūnas R., Silius V., Dranseika V. (2022). Moralization East and West: Moralizing different transgressions among Chinese, Americans and Lithuanians. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. 25(2): 185–197.
Mikalonytė E. S., Dranseika V. (2022). The role of teleological thinking in judgments of persistence of musical works. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 80(1): 42–57.
Michaelian K., Dranseika V., Álvarez J. (2021). Experimental philosophy of memory. Acta Scientiarum. Human and Social Sciences. 43: e60875.
Lin Y.-T., Dranseika V., (2021). The variety and limits of self-experience and identification in imagination. Synthese. 199: 9897–9926.
Earp B. D., Lewis J., Dranseika V., Hannikainen I. (2021). Experimental philosophical bioethics and normative inference. Theoretical Medicine & Bioethics. 42(3-4): 91–111.
Dranseika V., McCarroll Ch. J., Michaelian K. (2021). Are observer memories (accurate) memories? Insights from experimental philosophy. Consciousness and Cognition. 96: 103240.
Berniūnas R., Beinorius A., Dranseika V., Silius V., Rimkevičius P. (2021). The weirdness of belief in free will. Consciousness and Cognition. 87: 103054.
Piasecki J., Dranseika V. (2021). Balancing professional obligations and risks to providers in learning healthcare systems. Journal of Medical Ethics. 47: 413–416.
Piasecki J., Żarek-Walkiewicz E., Figas-Skrzypulec J., Kordecka A., Dranseika V. (2021). Ethical issues in biomedical research using electronic health records: A systematic review. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy. 24: 633–658.
Dranseika V. (2020). False Memories and quasi-memories are memories. In: T. Lombrozo, S. Nichols and J. Knobe (eds.) Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, Volume 3: 175–188.
Dranseika V., Piasecki J. (2020). Transparent defaults and consent for participation in a learning healthcare system. An empirical study. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics. 15(4): 261–270.
Mikalonytė E. S., Dranseika V. (2020). Intuitions on the individuation of musical works. An empirical study. The British Journal of Aesthetics. 60(3): 253–282.
Neiders I., Dranseika V. (2020). Minds, brains, and hearts: An empirical study on pluralism concerning death determination. Monash Bioethics Review. 38(1): 35–48.
Dranseika V., Dagys J., Berniūnas R. (2020). Proper names, rigidity, and empirical studies on judgments of identity across transformations. Topoi. 39(2): 381–388.
Berniūnas R., Dranseika V., Tserendamba D. (2020). Between Karma and Buddha: Prosocial behavior among Mongolians in an anonymous economic game. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion. 30(2): 142–160.
Piasecki J., Dranseika V. (2019). Learning to regulate learning healthcare systems. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. 28, 369–377.
Piasecki J., Dranseika V. (2019). Research vs. practice: The dilemmas of research ethics in the era of learning health care systems. Bioethics. 33(5), 617–624.
Berniūnas R., Silius V., Dranseika V. (2019). Beyond the moral domain: The normative sense among the Chinese. Psichologija. 60, 86–105.
Dranseika V., Berniūnas R., Silius V. (2018). Immorality and bu daode, Unculturedness and bu wenming. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science. 2(1-2): 71–84.
Mikalonytė E. S., Dranseika V. (2018). Muzikos konceptualizavimas erdvės ir judėjimo metaforomis. Psichologija. 57: 54–73.
O’Mathúna D. P., Dranseika V., Gordijn B. (eds.) (2018). Disasters: Core Concepts and Ethical Theories. Cham: Springer Nature.
Piasecki J., Dranseika V., Waligora M. (2018). Should epidemiological studies be subject to an ethics review? Public Health Ethics. 11(2): 213–220.
Dranseika V., Neiders I. (2018). In defense of a pluralistic policy on the determination of death. Ethics & Bioethics. 8(3–4): 179–188.
Piasecki J., Waligora M., Dranseika V. (2017). What do ethical guidelines for epidemiology say about ethics review? A qualitative review. Science and Engineering Ethics. 23(3): 743–768.
Silius V., Berniūnas R., Dranseika V. (2017). Bu daode elgesys Kinijoje ir Vakaruose. Kaip išvengti asimetriškumo tarpkultūrinėje normų psichologijoje. Problemos 91: 44–56.
Dranseika V., Piasecki J., Waligora M. (2017). Relevant information and informed consent in research: In defense of the subjective standard of disclosure. Science and Engineering Ethics. 23(1): 215–225.
Berniūnas R., Dranseika V. (2017). Thou shalt not kill, steal, and lie: A preliminary study on cognitively salient moral transgressions among Lithuanians. Žmogus ir žodis. 19(4): 94–107.
Berniūnas R., Dranseika V., Sousa P. (2016). Are there different moral domains? Evidence from Mongolia. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. 19(3): 275–282.
Dranseika V., Piasecki J., Waligora M. (2016). Forensic uses of research biobanks: Should donors be informed? Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy. 19:141–146.
Berniūnas R., Dranseika V. (2016). Folk concepts of person and identity: A response to Nichols and Bruno. Philosophical Psychology. 29(1): 96–122.
Dranseika V. (2016). Moral responsibility for natural disasters. Human Affairs. 26(1): 73–79.
Mokslo renginiai
Konferencijų organizavimas
Beyond Free Will: Variety in Understanding of Choice, Luck, and Necessity.
Vilnius, Lithuania, 20-23 06 2022. https://www.notsofree.fsf.vu.lt
Organizacinio komiteto narys.
Issues in Philosophy of Memory 2.5.
Online conference, 12-15 07 2021.
Co-organized with Chris McCarroll and Marya Schechtman http://phomo.org/ipm2.5.html
Pranešimai mokslinėse konferencijose (nuo 2016)
Two ships of Theseus.
ESPP & SPP 2022.
Milan, Italy. https://espp-spp-2022.com/program/
He has the Right to Destroy John’s Data, Therefore he is John.
"An empirical study on sameness of persons and the ascription of rights". IVR World Congress.
Bucharest, Romania, 03-08 07 2022.
The Folk Concept of Suicide (with Ivars Neiders).
2022 Oxford-Yale Bioxphi Summit.
Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom, 29 06 - 01 07 2022. https://www.bioxphi.org/schedule-2022
How to Count Conjoined Twins.
Bioethics Meets Philosophy of Science.
Krakow, Poland, 20-21 05 2022.
Does Remembering feel like Dreaming? Folk Beliefs about Phenomenological Differences and Similarities between Kinds of Mental States.
Dreaming and Memory 2.
Online conference, 14-16 04 2022. http://phil-mem.org/events/2022-dreaming.php
Beginning and Ceasing to Exist, Death and ‘What We Are?’: An Empirical Study.
AISC 2021, the 17th Annual Conference of the Italian Association of Cognitive Science.
December 13-15, 2021. Noto, Italy. http://aisc2021.unime.it
Topic-modeling Bioethics and Philosophy of Medicine.
Nordic Baltic Network of Philosophy of Medicine.
08-09 10 2021. http://www.mies.mf.vu.lt/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Programme-Nordic-Baltic-Network-of-Philosophy-of-Medicine.pdf
Memory as Evidence of Personal Identity.
Mini-lecture series “Memory and Self”.
Bochum-Grenoble, 21 04 2021.
Does Macbeth see a Dagger? An Empirical Argument for the Existence-neutrality of Seeing (with Andre Sant’Anna).
XPhi Europe 2021.
17-18 06 2021. https://xphiprague.eu/index.php/program/.
Threats to Free Will. Ordinary Concerns vs Philosophical Theories.
International Conference “Beyond Free Will: Variety in Understanding of Choice, Luck, and Necessity”
Vilniaus universitetas, 2022 07 20-23.
Fate, Spells and Evil Eye: Folk Beliefs and Psychology of Free Will.
17-ojo Europos religijos mokslų draugijos konferencija „Religion – Continuations and Disruptions“.
Tartu universitetas, 2019 06 25-29.
Determinism, Fate, and Perceived Barriers to Free Human Action.
Mokslinė konferencija "The 113th Annual Meeting Of The Southern Society For Philosophy And Psychology".
Mobilis, Alabama, JAV. 31 03 - 02 04 2022. Oficialus komentatorius: Eddy Nahmias (Georgia State University).
Transparent Nudges in Biobanking and Learning Healthcare.
The 11th International Conference on Applied Ethics.
Kyoto University, 15-16 12 2018.
Transparent Nudging.
International Conference Nudging in Public Health - and Beyond.
Aarhus University, 29-30 11 2018.
On the Ambiguity of „the Same Person".
International Conference Personification across disciplines.
Durham university, 17-19 09 2018.
On the Ambiguity of „the Same Person".
International Conference Reproducibility and Replicability in Psychology and Experimental Philosophy.
University College London, 14-16 06 2018.
Varieties of Causal Determinism in Cross-Cultural Research on Folk Theories of Free Will.
3rd Conference of Baltic Alliance for Asian Studies DYNAMIC ASIA: SHAPING THE FUTURE.
University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia, 13-15 04 2018.
Akademinės išvykos
Dėstymo vizitai
2019 m. rugsėjo mėn. ERASMUS dėstymo vizitas Rygos Stradinio Universitete (Latvija).
2017 m. birželio mėn. ERASMUS dėstymo vizitas Mongolijos Nacionaliniame Universitete.
2017 m. gegužės mėn ERASMUS dėstymo vizitas Skovde Universite (Švedija).
Profesinėse asociacijose
Valdymo grupės narys, Philosophy of Memory Organization, http://phomo.org;
Tinklo koordinatorius, Nordic-Baltic Network for Philosophy of Medicine, http://www.mies.mf.vu.lt/en/nnpmme/
Mokslo populiarinimo veikla
Procesai. Meilės sau fenomenas
https://bit.ly/3UYEV9S [2021.01.30]
Tuzinas. Vilius Dranseika: „Pandemijos aiškinimas sąmokslu patrauklus savo paprastumu“
https://bit.ly/3yB52dF [2021.11.22]
Ambicingas lietuvių tyrimas: ar esame laisvi savo valia?, Vilniaus universiteto radijo stotis „Start FM“.
https://bit.ly/2P4Vmz1 [2018.10.02]
Pranešėjas renginyje, skirtame L. Wittgensteino Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 100-mečiui. Vilnius, Lietuva.
Dalyvavimas laidoje „Tuzinas“.
Dalyvavimas laidoje „Procesai“.
Dalyvavimas laidoje „Smalsumo genas“.