SUCCESS logoIt is our pleasure to introduce to you the 1st Newsletter of SUCCESS project.

SUCCESS (Strategies to Utilise and Cultivate positive Characteristics & Employability Skills in Schools) is funded by the European Commission under the ERASMUS+ program Strategic Partnerships for School Education.

Main project objectives are:

To improve high school students employability skills and their positive emotions, psychological resilience, support character strength development and self-development.

To support the needs of high school students during the transition phase from school to vocational training and employment.

To support professional development and increase capabilities of school counsellors leading to a more positive interaction with high school students during career counselling sessions.

To enhance well-being and resilience levels of school counsellors.

 Project partners:

  • Coordinator: Vilnius University, Lithuania)
  • GrantXpert Consulting Limited, Cyprus
  • Neophytos Ch. Charalambous (Institute of development), Cyprus
  • Net (ICEP Europe), Ireland
  • HAPPSY – Hellenic Association of Positive Psychology, Greece
  • CESIE, Italy
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