Kviečiame į VU Filosofijos instituto seminarą, kuriame profesorius Timas Labronas (Concordia University of Edmonton) skaitys pranešimą „Science and Religion in a Wittgensteinian Context“.
Renginys vyks 2019 m. vasario 27 d., 17 val., VU Filosofijos fakulteto 201 aud.
Pranešimas bus skaitomas anglų kalba. Įėjimas laisvas.
Pranešimo santrauka anglų kalba: Science and religion are frequently thought to be in agreement or disagreement with each other. However, Wittgenstein would not agree with any argument of general agreement or disagreement between them. In contrast, he would be opposed to realism in science and religion. Moreover, realism is the typical mode of the science and religion discussions generating both arguments of agreement and disagreement. Thus, from a Wittgensteinian perspective, once we see the problem of realism, and very importantly without endorsing the equal problem of non-realism, we can then begin to see both science and religion more clearly as they stand—without trying to argue how one or the other best captures a reality outside our language, practices, and form of life.
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