Š. m. gegužės 11 d. kviečiame dalyvauti vizituojančios profesorės Katarzynos Zajda (Lodzės universitetas, Ekonomikos ir sociologijos fakultetas, Kaimo ir miesto sociologijos katedra) paskaitose. Paskaitos vyks anglų kalba.
- 9.00–10.45 – Counterurbanization, quality of life and new resources for rural development (2*45 min.), room 214
The aim of the lecture is to familiarize students with the process of counterurbanisation, its features and consequences for rural areas development in European countries. The lecture will consist of three parts such as:
1. Counterurbanisation in Europe.
2. Counterurbanisation and the quality of life.
3. Counterurbanisation and new resources for local development.
4. Conclusions
- 11.00–12.30 val. – Rural women’s socio-political activity (2* 45 minutes), room 307
The aim of the lecture is to familiarize students with the traditional and modern women’s social roles as well as with the specificity of their public participation in developing European counties. The lecture will consist of four parts such as:
1. Women in EU
2. Public (socio - political) participation of rural women.
3. How to support rural women’s socio-political activity – the example of LEADER approach and social innovations.
4. Conclusions
Kontaktinis asmuo:
Agnė Girkontaitė
tel.: +370 5 2667626
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