2017 m. gegužės 29–30 dienomis į Vilniaus universitetą atvyksta vizituojantys dėstytojai–filosofai iš užsienio – dr. Dror Yinon (Bar-Ilano universitetas, Izraelis) ir prof. Silvia Benso (Ročesterio technologijos institutas, JAV).
Vizito metu dr. Dror Yinon skaitys paskaitas VU Filosofijos fakulteto magistrantams ir doktorantams doc. Kristupo Saboliaus kursuose, o prof. Silvia Benso – Religijos studijų ir tyrimo centro bei Filosofijos fakulteto magistrantams ir doktorantams, lankantiems prof. Ritos Šerpytytės kursą „Nihilizmas ir Vakarų filosofija“.
Paskaitos yra atviros ir jose kviečiami dalyvauti visi, besidomintys paskaitų tematika. Paskaitos vyks anglų kalba.
29 May, 2017, 17.00
Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy, Hall 201
Dr. Dror Yinon “Rhizome and the Search for a Method”
The lecture will focus on Deleuze’s attempt at elaborating a new way of describing and theorizing phenomena (mostly those attached to humanities and the social sciences). Replacing the classical image of the Cartesian tree with that of the Rhizome, Deleuze opens a new way of understanding multiplicity and avoiding its distorting unification with a method of tracing the dynamics and intensities of multiplicities.
30 May, 2017, 15.00
Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy, Hall 201
Prof. Silvia Benso “Waterworks in Levinas’s Philosophy”
Through an analysis of images of water in Levinas’s philosophy, the lecture focuses on the topic of water as a natural element possibly suffused with ethical reflections—with Levinas and beyond. What is the place of water in Levinas’s philosophy? What, if anything, does water have to teach a philosophical discourse such as Levinas’s ethics?
Although not a pervasive image in Levinas’s narrative, water appears as a powerful metaphor as well as an instrument for the work of ethics.
30 May, 2017, 17.00
Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy, Hall 201
Dr. Dror Yinon “Beyond Consent and Dissent: Deleuze‘s Political Philosophy”
The lecture will focus on Deleuze's political thought as addressing the classical political problem of individualism in a new way. Drawing on liberal as well as post-marxist thinkers I will show that old solutions to the problem of individuality such as the securing of a private sphere, or dissenting, ignore the extent to which individuality itself is the product of processes leading to conformism. Deluze’s thought is shown then to face this new challenge.
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Pristatome trumpus vizituojančių dėstytojų veiklos aprašymus:
Dr. Dror Yinon (Bar-Ilano universitetas, Izraelis)
Dr. Dror Yinon teaches at the Program for Hermeneutics and Cultural Studies at Bar-Ilan University. Dr. Yinon's research is focused on existentialism, phenomenology, French philosophy and political philosophy and he has written on Sartre, Camus, Merleau-Ponty and Foucault. His main interest is the thought of Gilles Deleuze and he's currently working on a book on Deleuze's philosophy of experience presented in his 1968 book Difference and Repetition.
Prof. Silvia Benso (Ročesterio technologijos institutas, JAV)
Silvia Benso earned her laurea at the Università di Torino, Italy and her Ph.D. at Penn State University, USA. She is currently professor of philosophy at the Rochester Institute of Technology. Among her areas of interest are ancient philosophy, contemporary European philosophy, the history of philosophy, ethics, aesthetics, and feminist theories. Besides having published articles on Nietzsche, Heidegger, Levinas, and ancient philosophy (especially Plato), she is the author of Thinking After Auschwitz: Philosophical Ethics and Jewish Theodicy (in Italian), The Face of Things: A Different Side of Ethics, Viva Voce: Interviews with Italian Philosophers, and the co-author of the volume Environmental Thinking: Between Philosophy and Ecology (in Italian). She has also co-edited various volumes such as Contemporary Italian Philosophy: Between Ethics, Politics and Religion, Levinas and the Ancients, and Between Nihilism and Politics: The Hermeneutics of Gianni Vattimo. During the past decade, she has devoted herself to the promotion of Italian philosophy within the Anglophone world and is the general co-editor for the series Contemporary Italian Philosophy published by SUNY Press. Most recently, she has been the co-founder of a new philosophical organization dedicated to the study of Italian philosophy: SIP, the Society for Italian Philosophy.