2019 m. gegužės 28 d. 10 val. kviečiame į VU Sociologijos ir Socialinio darbo instituto organizuojamą paskaitą „Inequalities in life expectancy: Should pensions be differentiated by social class?“, kurią skaitys profesorius Martin Kohli. Paskaita vyks Filosofijos fakultete 201 aud.
Pranešimas bus skaitomas anglų kalba. Įėjimas laisvas.
Renginio plakatas
Pranešimo santrauka anglų kalba:
Remaining life expectancy at the age of retirement varies greatly by social class. Is it equitable, and in conformity with the goals of the welfare state, that public pension benefits (e.g., retirement ages) are the same for all social classes? Or should these benefits be differentiated according to class-specific longevity, and if yes, how could it be done?
Prof. M. Kohli nusipelnęs Brėmeno profesorius (Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), European University Institute (EUI), sociologijos profesorius emeritas.
Pranešimas bus skaitomas anglų kalba. Įėjimas laisvas.
Renginio plakatas
Pranešimo santrauka anglų kalba:
Remaining life expectancy at the age of retirement varies greatly by social class. Is it equitable, and in conformity with the goals of the welfare state, that public pension benefits (e.g., retirement ages) are the same for all social classes? Or should these benefits be differentiated according to class-specific longevity, and if yes, how could it be done?
Prof. M. Kohli nusipelnęs Brėmeno profesorius (Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), European University Institute (EUI), sociologijos profesorius emeritas.